Thursday, October 18, 2012

I did go to Camp Boggy. It was a little long, almost there and right back. Carolyn went with me, we spent the night Tuesday night in Mt Dora, FL. I really am glad that I went. I heard them call Benjamin Miller, Icy Miller, and Milton S. Miller. It was a time of remembrance for all the people whose names were called. I am glad I went for myself and glad I was there for June. She was really thrilled and so happy I made it. Icy and Milton never got to visit there. They would have been even prouder of her had they ever got to go down there. I am hoping next time the girls take me some place for a girls vacation that we can go there. Maybe we can even invite brother along. I got back home last night at midnight but I did sleep restful.         I stopped at the cemetery this evening for a few minutes, it is a thing with me still to stop there often. I can't seem to help myself, just as I can't stop missing you. It has not been an easy year for me, but thank God I am making it, alone. Ben Miller, I love you..........BILL-EE

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