Sunday, September 9, 2012

How great is our God? I was disappointed Saturday 9/9/12, I had been thinking I would have some company. That didn't happen. This a.m. when I got to church right away pastor Honea asked me if the evangelist and family could come to our house until church time this evening. A young couple with two beautiful, precious little girls. Naturally I said yes, although the preacher had to study and the girls had to lie down,it still was such a good thing for me. I even lay down on the living room couch for awhile, and feel asleep. I didn't get to sleep last night at all, finally fell asleep around four thirty. The visiting family all stayed down here, in the den, yet it felt good having them here for a bit. He preached two sermons you would have liked, all about the goodness of our great God.          No matter if someone is here or if, as mostly I am, alone I miss you. Miss having you here to talk, laugh, pray, or maybe cry with. The couple today could not believe I was eighty years old. She was telling me, tonight, how amazing she thought I was to be doing the things I do. I told here I always kept thinking about what you would expect of me. I also told her you would never want me to cause our children worry. Most important I wonder what the Lord would expect of me, so I am able to keep on. I smile to hide the tears of my heart. I love you............BILL-EE

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