Thursday, February 23, 2012


Honey, I started thinking, last night, about 9/22. The evening I took you to the ER. I was thinking about you and me there all night. Finally about six, on the morning of the 23rd, when we knew for sure that you would be admitted. They admitted you to the 5th floor, I was really beside myself. You see, I was told when they put Larry on that floor, that it was the floor for people they aren't expecting to live for long. I was so happy when Lisa got there, then Dialyn came in. I was not alone anymore. Fay and Bryon had come in for awhile. Honey I watched your blood pressure dropping. I watched them give you some kind of medication hoping to get the blood pressure normal. I watched you, I begged you not to leave me. I finally decided not to stick around they were doing something. I heard you, you wanted to be left alone. Soon after I left the room, you decided this is it, no more. I still miss you so, and Honey I still love you. Guess I will always have an ache in my heart. I truthfully am so thankful for our years as husband and wife. I am thankful for the years I had to take care of you. Whatever I did, or said, I was only trying in a feeble way to help you. I would have cared for you, or died trying. I loved you then, and I love you now...........BILL-EE

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