Sunday, July 29, 2012

I just got home about three minutes ago. After church me and Sis Honea went to Dairy Queen. We ate and then had a small blizzard, and talked. When it is just the two of us we can really talk. We talk about olden times at Bible Tabernacle but mostly about all the Lord is doing for us at Deeper Life. Tonight after we left out of the Dairy Queen we stood by our cars and talked for another thirty minutes or so. It was so good for me. It has been a long while since I have had anyone to talk to like that.         It seems on Sundays I am in church all day. I leave the house abou nine forty or so. I pick up the lady I give a ride to, we are at the church around ten or so. After church, I take her home, go to eat, come home take a short nap and go back to church again. My Sundays are full, if no other day is.       Today I came by the cemetery, it was hot, I leaned on the dogwood tree, in the shade, and talked to my husband. I can tell you things that I can't tell anyone else.I tell you how I miss you, I tell you how I feel about being alone so much, and everything else that I think or feel. I tell you that I love you, I tell you thanks for praying for me and our children. As always I say Lord if he can't hear me please will you tell him I love him. I love you...........BILL-EE

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