Thursday, June 7, 2012

I stopped by the cemetery today. I tood a red flower and stuck in the vase of flowers. The only way I can put anything is to put it in the vase.       I didn't get up until about nine o'clock, took medicine, dressed for going out. I ate half a breakfast bar and drank half a cup of coffee.      I left home about ten-thirty, making good time. When I got on 65 south about 4th avenue exit traffic was backed up. It took me twenty minutes to get to Green Springs exit. I exited off there and drove on to 31 south down Green Springs. It was eleven twenty when I got to the the Golden Corral for the luncheon.      Harold Kelly was the first person I saw, he asked me did I have a birthday in June, I told him I did yesterday. I put those big sun glasses on sis Brenda gave me last night to wear. He loved them, told me to wear them on into the room, which I did. I ate a good lunch. There was 29 people there, most of  your ole cronies were there. Bruce, Mac, David the guys from West Blocton.       I came by and visited with Icy for awhile, then did some shopping at Wal Mart, groceries mostly.       Jared called a few minutes after I left the house. I just listened to my messages. He is going to wash the house for me.        Oh, yeah Debbie had called again and messaged. I need to check my phone as soon as I come in, don't always remember to do so.       Even when I stay busy I miss you. Always aware that my Ben is gone from me. I mopped the kitchen tonight, about to get everything ready for the "party". I miss you and I love you.............BILL-EE

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