Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Honey, it has been a sort of busy day, not really. I didn't sleep from 3:45 util after seven. I woke up, actually I heard Allison, anyway it was past eight o'clock. I rushed to get ready for the doctor visit. I then realized I did not need to go that early so I lay back down and took several five minute naps. I finally left home around ten a.m. I got the blood work, the mammogram, then on to see the doc. He didn't seem worried about my shaking hands, of course I haven't been worried myself. Just sometimes seems ridiculous. Blood pressure o.k. We talked about my taking care of you, I cried some. The dr. said he was frail, I was frail, he said how he thought I did a good job taking care of you. He said I should never think that I could have done any better.     When I got back home, past one, I ate a slice of toast, took medicines, drank a little coffee and went to bed. I slept for about an hour and half. Got up starving, heated the roast and green beans I had brought home from the Haynes house. Allison came downstairs and ate a plate of the food, we talked a bit. She had to leave for school, she is having two night classes this six weeks. I read the Bible for awhile, looked at fb a little. I am about to think of going to bed.      Honey, I talk about you to anyone who will listen, you were my life time mate, my other half and I miss you so. I love you...........BILL-EE

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