Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Got back from church about twenty minutes ago. I sat on the outside as I did when you were here Ben Miller. I wanted to reach out and touch you as I always did. Brenda Webb sang "Roses Will Bloom Again" I am ready to begin seeing some blooms. I know they will come, but when?      Today I kept the appointment with the ent doctor. He took a look inside my nostril that bled, and said "yeah, I see it"". He put a cotton ball in my nostril, to deaden it. I had to wait for awhile, then he came in, and catharized it. He said there was a bursted blood vessel, that is where the blood came from. I got home around three o'clock, I was so worn out, I lay down and did actually go to sleep. I ddn't awaken until five. I spread peanut butter on a slice of brown sugar and cinnamon bread, ate that, got ready for church. A very exciting day.    Oh, boy was my nose ever sore! I could hardly wash my face, it hurt so bad to touch the side of my nose. Doctor told me to continue with the polysporin in my nose. Allergys, bad time for them, sure don't need nose bleeds.      I went by cemetery on my way to church. Cap, clown, angel , and the marker Lisa had put there 1/1/12, all still there. Honey, I miss you so much. Sometimes still it is hard to sleep, thinking of you, of the many things I would love to be able to talk to you about. Some day the Roses will bloom again, huh? I am missing you and I love you..........BILL-EE    

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