Saturday, April 14, 2012


It is early again to write, but I need to get a shower and shampoo. Tomorrow is the Sabbath day which means I will be up early getting ready for church.        Honey, I am alone again. I talked to Dialyn other than that I have sat here all by myself. I feel like I am getting lazier and lazier, but what is there to do?     Janelle and J.C. left about eight o'clock. I didn't get to sleep until late last night so I lay back down for an hour. I haven't done anything much. I will really have to get with it next week. I did go out to the mail box and I did water the flowers James planted. I found out that big water hose is very hard for frail me to have to handle. I did do it tho.      I kept thinking I would go to the cemetery but never did make it over there. See how lazy I have gotten? Seems like I want to sleep more than I ever had. Maybe I have a sleeping disease.  Oh, yeah I did hang the other curtains up. I had bought the wrong size, so I had to take them down and hang the other, shorter ones up. I don't much like to climb up on the ladder when no one is around, but it is something that needs to be done. I know you would really be onto me for that.        I don't mean to be sounding "grippie" it is just what I did today. All the time I am missing you and thinking how I wish you were still here with me. Of course, I wouldn't bring you back to a world of darkness, even if I could....or would I? I love you more than I can say............BILL-EE

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