Tuesday, August 28, 2012

When I stopped at the cemetery, I was there until almost dark. I decided I needed to get out while I could still see, rough walking ground. I still don't know how the angels does, it is suppose to be a solar angel.            I am thankful for each day God grants me. Sometimes though, I wonder what's the purpose?  God knows, and as I said I am thankful.        I guess I try to keep you alive, Ben, bcause I am still talking to you via this note I write. I know I need to let you RIP, huh? I probably will always write at different times. I am trying very hard, I am use to crying silent tears. Will they ever stop? I don't know, I just know that for myself I must be strong. Sometimes though I just need a big hug, but you are not here to give it to me. I miss you and I love you...........BILL-EE

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